BMC Women’s Ministries is here to provide you opportunities for a closer walk with our Savior. Together we’re learning from Scripture how to live in step with the Spirit to love God and others.

You will be provided with fellowship with others through Bible Studies, discipleship, prayer, and the building of relationships among women of all ages.

We offer a wide variety of ministry activities to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and for service and outreach.

God’s Word challenges us to continually grow in our faith and walk with Him:

Colossians 2:6-7: So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


Bible Studies

Bethel provides a variety of Bible Studies throughout the year to encourage growth, accountability and prayer for one another. Studies typically start in January and September. Sign-ups will be announced.

Ladies Night Out

This is a time for ladies to get out of the house & enjoy other ladies of all ages. We usually meet at a restaurant, have a devotion, enjoy good food & great fellowship. This is an excellent time to meet other ladies, invite friends, talk, relax & enjoy one another throughout the year. Carpooling is available as needed.

one-on-one Discipleship

This ministry fosters one-on-one relationships that enable ladies to grow in their relationship with Christ and to daily live their faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. Interested in being discipled? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and select “I am interested in being discipled” to get connected.



Moms with young children gather to encourage one another, to grow as they follow & model Christ for their families & the community. Classes start in January & September. Childcare is provided. Fellowship throughout the year is offered.

Service Opportunities

This ministry provides meals to brand new moms & those who have had a recent hospital stay. Many hands are appreciated whether you provide a meal, side dish or to deliver the meal.

Helping Hands

This ministry sends cards to, calls, visits, and provides food or treats for our elderly and shut-ins.

Senior Saints

A meal is provided for the family & friends of those who have lost a loved one. We are always looking for volunteers to help provide food, set up or clean up.

Funeral Dinners

interested in serving?

Fill out this form and a women’s ministry leader will get back with you soon!